Acupuncture and Depression
Depression is an illness involving the mind and the body and
that because it affects how one feels, thinks, and behaves, depression can lead
to a variety of emotional and physical problems such as sadness, irritability
or frustration, reduced sexual drive, insomnia or excessive sleeping, changes
in appetite, agitation or restlessness, slowed thinking, indecisiveness,
distractibility, fatigue, and loss of energy. So many symptoms for a single
Depression affects 26.2 % of all Americans, which means that
when you board a bus to work in the morning, one in every four passengers is
clinically depressed. It is a hidden
illness that often goes undiagnosed and untreated because we can easily blame
its symptoms on something else. Thus, we
spend a lifetime convincing ourselves that when we say day after day, “I am so
tired, I don’t feel like going out. I’m
not hungry, sexually motivated, or interested enough to participate,” it is
just a defect in our personality.
Depression changes people close to us. Loved ones can feel a loss of emotional
connection with someone who is depressed.
Friends at work may have to put in extra hours to make up for the loss
of productivity when their co-workers’ depression interferes with their
Western medicine has created drugs, which successfully treat
many types of depression and anxiety.
Because these drugs are so powerful, however, suddenly starting,
stopping, or changing dosage can lead to unpredictable outcomes. Children and young adults, especially, may
react to these medications in ways not predicted by FDA trials. On the other hand, Chinese herbal medicine
and acupuncture, which uses the body and mind’s own mechanisms to combat
depression, may be a safer first approach to less severe cases since innate
systems are tweaked rather than radically altered.
Depression and anxiety are associated with an imbalance of
hormones such as serotonin, GABA, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and
progesterone. Acupuncture and herbal medicine have been verified to make your
own body produce balanced hormones, not too much, not too little. After
patients have acupuncture treatment, they feel more motivated, happier and have
more positive attitude. Chinese herbs also can help improve different internal organs, such as adrenal
gland, liver and stomach, to make your body produce the right amount of feeling
good hormones such as serotonin, Dopamine, GABA and progesterone.